Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, it's the Tues after the Fri-Sat I restarted this sojourn with truth, God, & myself. It's been an amazing time. God has freed me from anxiety medication in 3 days. I've tried to quit on my own numerous times, but the withdrawals are too severe. I should not feel this good at this point. I can only give God the glory because He has done this, and not me myself. The key was being truly done. And fully submitting to God's will & taking each step fearfully and trembling, in faith. We have to operate our faith. Faith isn't something we have, it's something we DO. If we aren't challenging something in our lives by exercising faith that God will show us how to change it for the better, then we aren't operating in faith. Most people today think of faith as something you own, a possession, all bought & paid for, that we keep, like a treasured memento from a special place. We leave it at home, but if someone asks if we have faith we say yes, we sure do. But like love, faith isn't really faith til you exercise it. That means work it out, pull it out, put it to the test, line yourself up with God's word then whatever isn't on track, that's what you actively believe God for. Tell Him over & over that you believe and trust Him to work it out, because your words & thoughts are powerful.

"Whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven"
I never understood that verse until last night, another sleepless night spent with God dealing with my heart & soul. I felt it whispered into my spirit: speak out your forecast: you will be right! God partners with us & He will do for us what we can't, but He won't do for us what we simply won't. He's not a giant Santa in the sky, just waiting to give us a present no matter how we've acted, thought, & spoken. God is working with us, not for us.

Life is the ultimate video game! We have power to affect our outcomes, greater power than most of us realize. We've been told everything is already set, preordained, that we can't radically change our lives. Untrue. Life is an adventure, and it's like our faith & prayers are "power ups" in a video game. They don't change the game itself, but they do change our position, abilities, & power in it.

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