Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tues cont 2

God has a frequency. Where did the very idea of radio transmission begin but with this true principle? For everything that works and has,  and adds,  value, is necessarily good, and if good, then of God. Think of your radio. If the station you wanted to hear was 90.9 and you tuned in to any or even every other station but 90.9, what result would you get in the natural? Unless you tune into the correct station, you will never hear what it has to say. It's the same with God, and the supernatural. Not that God can't or doesn't ever reach beyond that frequency--if He didn't, what hope would anyone have of being saved? But for us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, to see signs and wonders, we have to tune ourselves to the right station every day. Sometimes we have to re-tune throughout the day. We need to cultivate sensitivity to our conscious contact with God to know when it's time to re-tune.

How do you find the station? Humble yourself before God, confess your sins to Him, ask Him to show you and believe that He is doing just that. Trust God. He's the safest bet in the universe! He always comes through for those that humbly trust Him.

Often we are like the horse in the Horse Whisperer. We've been beaten, kicked, bruised, and abused and are very afraid to trust because of it, and it is understandable. Please do not think I judge if trust is difficult for you. It sounds so easy, and it is, but first we have to just do it. Think of God as the Horse Whisperer. He comes to each of us at the point of our need. God knows and He cares about every hurt we've ever had, but He is actually able to do something about it, but we must allow Him access to the very interior of our hearts, which of course requires trust.

Once that trust is given, expect a little excitement! Like you may feel a little uncomfortable as God starts working on you, as in the movie. Note that HW did take the horse out of its comfort zone, which frightened him at first, but as the horse kept his eye on HW, and he saw how though it was a different sort of treatment than he was used to, HW never hurt him, but day by day, moment by moment, HW showed the horse, not told him, but showed him through demonstration, what it truly means to trust. HW established a close, loving, bond as the boss of the horse, just as God will do with us
We may falter in our steps, but God is sovereign. He will once again meet us at the pt of need. Like HW, God comes to us once we submit.

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