Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tues cont 2

God has a frequency. Where did the very idea of radio transmission begin but with this true principle? For everything that works and has,  and adds,  value, is necessarily good, and if good, then of God. Think of your radio. If the station you wanted to hear was 90.9 and you tuned in to any or even every other station but 90.9, what result would you get in the natural? Unless you tune into the correct station, you will never hear what it has to say. It's the same with God, and the supernatural. Not that God can't or doesn't ever reach beyond that frequency--if He didn't, what hope would anyone have of being saved? But for us to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, to see signs and wonders, we have to tune ourselves to the right station every day. Sometimes we have to re-tune throughout the day. We need to cultivate sensitivity to our conscious contact with God to know when it's time to re-tune.

How do you find the station? Humble yourself before God, confess your sins to Him, ask Him to show you and believe that He is doing just that. Trust God. He's the safest bet in the universe! He always comes through for those that humbly trust Him.

Often we are like the horse in the Horse Whisperer. We've been beaten, kicked, bruised, and abused and are very afraid to trust because of it, and it is understandable. Please do not think I judge if trust is difficult for you. It sounds so easy, and it is, but first we have to just do it. Think of God as the Horse Whisperer. He comes to each of us at the point of our need. God knows and He cares about every hurt we've ever had, but He is actually able to do something about it, but we must allow Him access to the very interior of our hearts, which of course requires trust.

Once that trust is given, expect a little excitement! Like you may feel a little uncomfortable as God starts working on you, as in the movie. Note that HW did take the horse out of its comfort zone, which frightened him at first, but as the horse kept his eye on HW, and he saw how though it was a different sort of treatment than he was used to, HW never hurt him, but day by day, moment by moment, HW showed the horse, not told him, but showed him through demonstration, what it truly means to trust. HW established a close, loving, bond as the boss of the horse, just as God will do with us
We may falter in our steps, but God is sovereign. He will once again meet us at the pt of need. Like HW, God comes to us once we submit.

Tuesday, cont.

Yesterday I cried out to The Lord about my bitter grief that son wasn't raised in an intact home, with two loving parents to give him the sort of life I see so many of his classmates have, why him? I don't mind being broken, but why him?

Last night in the sleepless night, God spoke into my heart that son and I are actually part of the best family ever-His family, where mothers, fathers, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, are just waiting to welcome & love us. This is a bigger family, a better family, and our Father is perfect and all-powerful, so how's that for a great family to belong to! And He said some of those families that you look at that seem so great are not what I think, that some of those kids-God forbid-will have bubbles burst, but we aren't even in a bubble to burst! Our future can only be bright with God, cuz we are starting at the bottom! The harder the struggle, the greater the victory! And God is protecting son from the lures & snares of the world, that God has it all worked out. Every time I see something that concerns me, I can say thank you, Lord, that this is being turned around right now, even when I don't see it yet. That's exercising faith.

It can be very scary to trust, cuz what if God doesn't come through? Then what? But those suggestions are just Satan's snares, just like with Eve. Basically repeating "Did God REALLY say...?" We are blessed because we don't have to rely only on memory, we have the Book! We can look it up, read it, then take it on faith, & keep exercising that commitment in our minds & hearts through prayer and ruminating on it continuously. Then exercise patience. Do not judge by what immediately occurs, wait for it with anticipation. He will come through for you, and it's usually in an unexpected, marvelous surprise that is tailor made for you & better than what you conceived. It will satisfy your soul, and bring joy to your heart. Life really is like an old Disney cartoon

He will take your past failures, addictions, experiences, and work them together to bless you & bring glory to himself which just blesses you more! There's no lack, no need, no greed, no fear of not having enough. There's abundance and you will eagerly desire to share all you have, because He just keeps filling you back up and bringing you even more joy than before. It's a true win-win, guaranteed. But you have to get yourself in the proper position of submission and obedience.

Faith without works is dead. We've been taught that's about salvation and entrance into heaven. It may be, but there's more! Just the idea of faith, without exercising it, working it, using it is dead! That's why so many people can't get over their hurdles. They possess faith but they are not working it out. Like we have a body, and we can pray every day with tears & total genuineness about wanting a body builders frame, but if we don't go exercise, all that prayer is futile. God will help you get that body, but you have to put in the work.

Faith should be always just out of reach or it's not faith. If you aren't reaching for something that you cannot grasp without God's help & intervention, then you aren't really exercising faith. You're just holding on to it like a souvenir. Thinking about everything in the past. Which is well & good, but you must keep it in the future for it to stay alive and not become dead.


Well, it's the Tues after the Fri-Sat I restarted this sojourn with truth, God, & myself. It's been an amazing time. God has freed me from anxiety medication in 3 days. I've tried to quit on my own numerous times, but the withdrawals are too severe. I should not feel this good at this point. I can only give God the glory because He has done this, and not me myself. The key was being truly done. And fully submitting to God's will & taking each step fearfully and trembling, in faith. We have to operate our faith. Faith isn't something we have, it's something we DO. If we aren't challenging something in our lives by exercising faith that God will show us how to change it for the better, then we aren't operating in faith. Most people today think of faith as something you own, a possession, all bought & paid for, that we keep, like a treasured memento from a special place. We leave it at home, but if someone asks if we have faith we say yes, we sure do. But like love, faith isn't really faith til you exercise it. That means work it out, pull it out, put it to the test, line yourself up with God's word then whatever isn't on track, that's what you actively believe God for. Tell Him over & over that you believe and trust Him to work it out, because your words & thoughts are powerful.

"Whatever you bind on earth is bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven"
I never understood that verse until last night, another sleepless night spent with God dealing with my heart & soul. I felt it whispered into my spirit: speak out your forecast: you will be right! God partners with us & He will do for us what we can't, but He won't do for us what we simply won't. He's not a giant Santa in the sky, just waiting to give us a present no matter how we've acted, thought, & spoken. God is working with us, not for us.

Life is the ultimate video game! We have power to affect our outcomes, greater power than most of us realize. We've been told everything is already set, preordained, that we can't radically change our lives. Untrue. Life is an adventure, and it's like our faith & prayers are "power ups" in a video game. They don't change the game itself, but they do change our position, abilities, & power in it.

Monday, May 20, 2013


If God really does have it all figured out then maybe He's using son to draw, coerce, force, me back to Him and son comes too. He will heal son and me. He will restore the years the locust has eaten. He is so good and son is young, with a good heart, he's a great person. We just desperately need polishing up, structure, routine, and conscious contact with God. I've been so scared to mar him that I've retreated from loving him. How I want to go back! But I can't go back, I know. The bottom line is, either God is GOD or He's nothing. So I don't know what He's got planned for us, but I know surprises with Him are good! Not knowing just makes the surprise that much funner! And sweeter. And gives Him all the glory, which is the only way. God will share his glory with no man. So I trust, have faith, that He will pull this tapestry together into a beautiful scene.


Over the weekend, hubs noticed that in one room, the ceiling is about to collapse in, with water leaking large drops onto the bed. Hmm. It's almost midnight Sat. Not good. So he went up into the attic to see what it was, and he figures its the A/C. Not good. He patched it up best he could and now it's Monday and two men are looking up there to see what's wrong. It doesn't look like an easy fix to me.

And it's a busted pipe. They are going to replace what's bad, then hopefully work on our ducts. Nice guys, though; always a plus!

So far, I think I'm doing all right leaning on God, trying to maintain conscious contact with God, I've gotten a few things accomplished, like laundry, cleaning kitchen, doing some scrubbing of pots & pans, swiffering the floor, just generally doing the next thing in front of me. And that's so scary for me, because trust is so hard for me. I'm terrified to let go & really blindly trust, even God, to plan my day, but so far, He's doing an amazing job! He definitely runs my life better than I do! I hardly slept last nigh, or the night before, as I'm still getting rid of the toxins from my body and my nervous system is, well, nervous! But even on minimal sleep I've gotten more done by 10:30 am than alone I was accomplishing maybe all week.

I'm still terrified and concerned with the other parents, teachers, etc. because of my shoddy track record as a general human being and being undependable. And when I look at my son I see everywhere I've failed, all my missed opportunities, how I've not been there for him, sometimes not cooking, leaving him and hubs on their own. That haunts me. There was always food in the house, just I didn't always cook it. Bitter regret is a killer. Who can stand to feel this way for long? This is another reason God and His forgiveness is crucial. If I didn't have faith that God can and will pull all this back together, doing the parts that I can't, (not won't!), then I literally would not be able to stand the pain of the emotions. I'm so sorry, so desperately sorry. I tried so hard to parent the right way on my own, but I had no blueprint, and my default was: help! Somebody raise or show me how to raise this kid! I have no close family close. I have no close family period. I have a polite family who I'm sure has written me off, just about. How I wish my mother was here to help me. But she's been deceased a long, long time now. She died 10 days before my first wedding. I have no father, no sibs, so it's just me.

Then again, having her just might not be a good idea, as she was always prone to seeking my comfort and advice in life matters, and having son and mom leaning on me would probably have not been good. I wonder sometimes why things in my life have gone the way they have. I'm actually ok with my life, it's how my son has been cheated of an intact, fun, healthy family that kills me. Honestly I wonder  why he gave me my son when He did. He's been through so much pain that he didn't deserve. I still burn with anger and resentment with my ex if I allow myself to think about it. I feel like he betrayed me and son so heinously, that he took full advantage of my earlier forgiveness and the torment he put me through caused me tremendous harm. And I felt I just had to soldier on, and the havoc, chaos, and stress with no one to turn to put me in the condition where CFS came on. And then it became a game of coping each day, never having a firm grip on things. Always feeling around for the next rung on the ladder in the dark.

This area has a relatively large amount of pretty healthy, intact homes and seeing the kids blossom from those homes and seeing how cheated son was-is of that structure for myriad reasons, many of which include me, it just grieves my soul. I want so badly to have him be 5 again so I could do it over. I didn't realize it takes years to see the results of parenting on kids. I thought hey, he's ok, we're ok.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Changing course

Changing course mid-stream, or in my case, mid-life, is not easy. But some wonderful things have been occurring. I found a beautiful little bracelet at Target with a cross on it and the placard it was attached to reads, " Faith doesn't make things easy. Faith makes things possible". What an apt phrase for me to recall each time I look down at my wrist. For things haven't been easy, but with, and only with God's help and listening the best I can to the Holy Spirit, things that I could not do a week ago, I am doing now. Yesterday was Saturday and I and my son did several things out of the ordinary. He drove me around on the highway for the first time. (And is a great driver!) As well as these, I found a recipe online, went to Walmart, bought the ingredients, came home, cooked dinner, then later cleaned the kitchen. These are common routine things, you may think, but for the horrible condition I've been in, this has been remarkable progress! And all because I'm submitting myself to God, His Word, and His authority. I've suffered from an awful combination of pride and shame. Too ashamed of what I'd become yet too proud to ask for help. Satan will take every opportunity to bind us on any level he can, and mine had regressed to mental, along with the physical.

I saw my old test results that put me in a category that would qualify me for disability, and I could get a check from the govt each month. I'm morally opposed to welfare unless extreme cases call for it, yet here I was, grappling with the reality of it for myself. A thought came to me, "do you want to be disabled or do you want to be well?" I want to be well, I immediately thought. "Then you must choose to be well. You cannot be both" That hit pretty hard.

Then today, we went to the great church I'm coming back to that I used to attend years ago that I've been reluctant to come back to because of how I left, my divorce, how people would view me, if I would be rejected now that I've been brought low.
But with and by God's power, today was another good day of accomplishing more things than before, with cooking & cleaning, and trying to explain and reaching out to my husband and son, trying to tell them that God is changing me, but I'm having to work at it. I do my part whether I feel like it or not, and leave the rest to Him. That's faith, and it works if you work it.

Tomorrow is Monday and with God's blessing and help, I will get to some things that I've sorely neglected over the years. I will clean, sort, & organize all to bring Him glory, because its His will that I do these things. There is a bittersweet quality to true submission. It really helps bring you back down to earth and pops the bubble of that pride and shame. You recognize you are no better, but also no worse, than any other, and the humility is a terrific tonic for the soul.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Later today

Just wanted to say I'm feeling better. A bit, but enough.
I feel I've learned my lesson:follow the Holy Spirit. Do not quench the Holy Spirit. Die to self and do what is right if it's only a matter of self-discipline and not a case of overwork and my body requiring rest. This morning I actually felt pretty darn good, but I still did my will and did not trust God or the Holy Spirit in me that was prodding me to get out & get to Target & do the next right thing throughout the day.

Because I insisted on my way, I messed up my system, hunger-sleep cycle, leaving me depressed and mentally foggy. The absolute worst though was seeing the hurt in my son's eyes when he saw me hurting and feeling depressed. That look.  Lord, help me never forget that others--my son-- are counting on me to take care of myself so I can be happy & spontaneous, fully in the moment with them, able to sense the Holy Spirit, and for Heaven's sake, dinner time comes every. single. night.  Unless I'm seriously physically ill, I need to have dinner ready each night. We managed ok tonight, but the lesson needs to remain. Over the last few months, my son has seen me improve and he's a happier boy, more carefree, for it. Him seeing me regress today was painful for me to see. Why wouldn't he question whether I would sink back into the abyss? But praise God, as I'm feeling a bit better, I was able to talk & fully engage with my son, making plans for tomorrow for breakfast and that trip to Target. I'm coming to realize schedule & routine isn't a straitjacket, it is a comfort and a guideline that gives some form to a nebulous tomorrow. I'm adding back in church on Sundays, as we have found a church we both really like & feel accepted in, and feel God's presence in. Our former church was nice enough, but more of a social club feel, and we both felt a bit rebuffed. But again, i felt like this was "the" church that "the" people attend & wanted to be accepted into these circles. it proved impossible, however, to overlook the fact that I had nothing in common with these ppl and found conversing with most of them uncomfortable, creating extra anxiety I def didn't need.This new one is so much better, I can't wait to go back!