Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Now Microsoft is seriously messin with me---

Not that it’s Not true…

Ummmm, Well, the entry below was mistakenly sent to my blog before it was finished. Still trying to figure out a few things…

Gerald Walpin

    President Obama just fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin of the Corporation and National Community Service(CNCS) which is the Federal Agency responsible for the distribution of tax dollars to such organizations as Americorps and ACORN because the White House was unhappy with Walpin's investigation into misuse of taxpayers dollars by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who has mis-spent over $1Mil on things like car washes and fancy dinners. But Johnson, a former NBA player, is also a F.O.O. (Friend of Obama). But it gets better. Mr. Obama fired Mr. Walpin illegally, according to the dictates of a bill then-Senator Obama co-sponsored which requires a thirty day written notice before someone in his position can be dismissed, as well as a written explanation for the firing. In a response to critics who pointed out the illegality of the firing, the White House issued a statement calling Mr. Walpin "confused" and "disoriented" and questioned his "capacity to serve". On the Glenn Beck Program Mr. Walpin answered to some of these accusations in a surprisingly coherent &_______ Mr. Walpin is 77 yrs old. Robert Byrd is 91. Sen. Ted kennedy is 77. Speaker Pelosi is 69 (well, parts of her are), sen. Spector is 79. Charlie Rangel is older too. He was supposedly disoriented, disheveled and confused.

Violate the 2008 Inspectors General Reform Act, co-sponsored by Obama.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Days I don't understand

Do you ever have days
when you wish
you were somebody else?
I'm just sayin'...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The order of Things

Why are things ordered the way they are?
Is there a grand scheme to things or do things just occur randomly?

Brotherly Kindness

2 Peter 1 tells us to seek these attributes and they are listed in this order. Is this a random placement, or does each one build one on top of the other. Like, could you just jump right in to Knowledge, flirt with some Perseverance, then end it all with some Goodness?


I see that 1 Peter 1:5 reveals that it is through FAITH that we are shielded by God's power. No mean place to reside. I myself would like to dwell under God's shielding. Does that have anything to do with the order of things in the 2 Peter passage?

Do you know?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hawt-est thing on

I realize this pic is small, but trust me, click over to Amazon to see it full size
I aint even joking-- you must follow this link to Amazon and READ the customer reviews on this shirt!
There are hundreds and believe me, well worth the time...You can thank me later!
The Three Wolf Moon T-shirt - This has become the top selling t-shirt on Amazon thanks to some amazingly awesome reviews-- go through all the reviews, because most of them are magic (just like the t-shirt).